Kingman Brewster, Jr quotes, “Incomprehensible jargons are the hallmark of a profession.” Let us go through one such jargon which is supposedly comprehensible but detrimental to any organisation. Team player is a very common term used by Management Gurus and Human Resource personnel. Being a…
Majority of people carry the weight of being somebody on their shoulders. That somebody could be a good son, good brother, good husband, good father, good sales professional, good manager etc. To be a good sales professional you need to bring in x amount of…
Every orientation in any organisation and every marketing guru focuses on a solo aspect that customer is king.That is what all of us have learnt throughout our management education or as part of our job descriptions. We have all been conditioned to believe that customer…
Hinduism is definitely a religion. To put forth my point we will have to first define what is religion and way of life (lifestyle). In layman terms:Religion is one’s faith in an unknown power and the practices associated with it. In reality, be it a…